EST: Wed 07:03  

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T.03 Signals
Wed 2/19 - 6 signal(s)
T.03 Plus Signals
Wed 2/19 - 12 signal(s)
6S Signals
Wed 2/19 - 12 signal(s)

Updated Feb. 17
Updated Feb. 17
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Our New TTT Video Course Feb 18, 1:49am GMT

This is an email from Mike K in NZ who recently took our new TTT video training course to learn how to create and trade Danielcode Time signals. This is important as it shows our TTT course is delivering the same vital informatio to our clients as does the full Danielcode Tutorial

I took the NG challenge again.

This time using NG3-057 instead of NG2-067 like last time.

Results as follows:

Total trades = 88 

47 wins = $54,255

41 Losses = $21,410

53.4% win rate 

Biggest win $4380

Biggest loss $1280

Average win $1154

Average loss $522

Average win/loss ratio = 2.2 

Total Nett profit $32,845

Margin $3200

 Profit on margin = 974%

[ED profit is actually 1026%]